
Version 0.5.0

Released on June 13, 2017.

  • Wikidata API calls over network became possible to be cached.

    • Client now has cache_policy attribute and constructor option. Nothing is cached by default.

    • Added wikidata.cache module and CachePolicy interface in it. Two built-in implementation of the interface were added:




      LRU cache in memory.


      Proxy/adapter to another proxy object. Useful for utilizing third-party cache libraries.

    • wikidata.client.Client.request logger became to record logs about cache hits as DEBUG level.

Version 0.4.1

Released on April 30, 2017.

Version 0.4.0

Released on April 24, 2017.

  • Monolingual texts became able to be handled.

Version 0.3.0

Released on February 23, 2017.

  • Now Client became able to customize how it decodes datavalues to Python objects.
  • Now files on Wikimeda Commons became able to be handled.
    • New decoder became able to parse Wikimedia Commons files e.g. images.
    • Added wikidata.commonsmedia module and File class inside it.
  • The meaning of Client constructor’s base_url prameter beccame not to contain the trailing path wiki/ from As its meaning changed, the value of WIKIDATA_BASE_URL constant also changed to not have the trailing path.
  • Added load option to Client.get() method.

Version 0.2.0

Released on February 19, 2017.

Version 0.1.0

Initial version. Released on February 15, 2017.